Friday, May 20, 2005

Satyaloka Quartz - Enlightenment

These tiny crystals are fairly new to the US and not yet easy to find. Regarded highly by lightworkers, they are recognized to hold similarites with Azeztulite - always positive and pure energy; never needing cleansing. The Satyaloka crystals are very tiny perfect crystals. The smaller of the two you see here is a twin crystal, a little under half an inch tall. The other is a chunky little guy. The pair of crystals contain special powerful energy. From a beautiful place in the South Indian mountains, these crystals are collected by Satyaloka monks and the area is known for the large group of enlighted people who live there. These particular crystals are known for purifying the thoughts as well as the aura and chakras. Like Azeztulite, they are utilized as a tool for enlightenment, facilitating personal growth, clarity and transformation. They also combine well with other synergistic stones such as Tanzanite, Moldavite, Phenacite and Herkimer Diamonds. A stone of power, Quartz brings the energy of the stars into the soul and stimulates the spiritual energy centers. It is used to facilitate speaking with and receiving information from the spiritual and otherworldly masters, healers and teachers. Holding a quartz crystal for thirty minutes measurably increases the Alpha brain waves, the state of the creative mind and the initiation of minimal extra-sensory perception. Over time, there"

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