Friday, May 20, 2005

Magnetite Crystals - Aids Telepathy, Visual

~~ Magnetite Crystals -Aids Telepathy & Visualization~~

Magnetite is strongly magnetic and possesses the attributes of Lodestone. This mineral temporarily aligns the chakas and can be used to dispel grief, fear, anger, and attachment. Magnetite is also an aid to telepathy and visualization. It provides the energy conducive to entering deep meditative states and one can feel the connection to the universal energy. It also enables one to project ones mind and to view things from a distance. It can be used to attract love and is instrumental in manifestation of desires. In areas of health, Magnetite assists with oxygenating the blood thus supporting the circulatory system. It stimulates sluggish organs or sedates them if over-active. Magnetite is also helpful in relieving aches and pains, and for sports injuries. Magnetite is strongly active on the physical level. It can stimulate blood flow if placed over the area of an injury to speed healing. The energy of Magnetite is strongly grounding while at the same time moving energy through blocked meridians. It can be used in place of Acupuncture needles to stimulate meridian points.

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