Friday, May 20, 2005

Epidote with Quartz - Assists in Remote Viewing~~

~~Epidote with Quartz - An Oracle Stone~~

The combination of Quartz with Epidote has been used in remote viewing and the accurate reporting of that which is viewed. As an Oracle stone, it is used to ask a question and to receive an accurate impression of the answer. Epidote is a stone for the new Age and is gaining popularity among those who are ready for spiritual awakening. Dark green in color, it clears away feelings that have been suppressed, supplements personal power, enhances perception and dispels overly critical attitudes. Epidote with Quartz also stimulates abilities to see the auric field, it opens and energizes the third eye and strengthens the clairvoyant and clairaudient potential. In areas of health, Epidote with Quartz is an excellent healing stone. Epidote combats dehydration and can be used in an elixir to soften and smooth skin. It assists the assimilation of nutrients, enhances the recuperative processes and draws on the healing energy of other stones. It's been used in the treatment of disorders of the nervous system, thyroid and brain.

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