Tuesday, September 26, 2006

You Tube Video Link - Flying Colors Comics

Here's some video featuring the Flying Colors Comics Store in Concord, CA, courtesy of You Tube.

Experiment with You Tube Link

Let's see if this works.

Monday, June 05, 2006

Dreaming Again

I'm waking up in a darkened room, big room like an exhibit hall but I believe it's my living room. Some people here. I edge around a couch? and there's a man with a full beard. He greets me (but I can't hear him) and motions me to sit. In front of me is a big, squarish see-thru box thing with a tube inside. I know immediately that this is some sort of meditation box. I position myself so I can look thru the tube like sighting a gun looking down the barrel. The front and back of the tube line up to become an open circle. I know that if I concentrate and focus on the circle something will happen. Sort of a zen thing.. relaxed controlled breathing, clear my mind, become the circle... a pale, blue sphere of light begins to form. Wispy around the edges, it's in motion, slowly getting bigger as it rolls towards me. Bigger, bigger.. I coax it out of the tube and now it's in the box, floating before my eyes. Cool. I focus down the tube again and create another sphere, red this time. Again, another.. I will them to merge. One sphere collides with another. I think morph and they form a translucent white box. I become aware of some other people around me. I begin to realize they can't see into the box. the images inside are for me alone.

Saturday, May 06, 2006

FreeComicBookDay 2006

It's happenning today! Here are people waiting in line at Flying Colors Comics in Concord,CA. Many freebies to be had! Check it out at website.Store is open until 7pm!

Monday, April 17, 2006

Naughty Naughty Pets Surprise for Easter!

Joyeux Easter Sunday! Went and picked up a set of six Naughty Naughty Pets, an Easter exclusive at Target. These weird, retarded stuffed animals really appealled to my inner child. From left to right, here is Cousin Harris, Cousin Ben, and Mitchell with a Twitchell.

Thursday, March 02, 2006

Weird Dream

Dozing in front of my computer I dream...

...waking to bright sunlight streaming in thru the window behind me. I turn around to pull the shade. Part of the window is not covered. Framed by this opening, I can see the usual bland view of the fence and nondescript bushes of the small side yard next to the house. Except to my surprise, it's slowly moving! It took a moment to register and I get that weird sense of disorientation, like when your sitting in a parked car and the car next to you starts to slowly pull out. Suddenly, I was outside, stumbling against the moving fence. The side yard, fence, plants, ground, everthing! was being pushed out as if it was being bulldozed toward the front of the house. And me with it! I begin to realize that things are not what they seem. Around me, everything outside appears to be a facade. Plywood structures and temporary forms, the entire neighborhood looks like a movie set under construction. A few hundred yards away, I can see big bulldozing machines at work. I reassure myself that this is indeed real and that I have woken up. Off in the distance I can see people and cars moving so I go in that direction...